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Weatherboard, Mouldings & Decking

Factory applied coating of your timber and fibre cement weatherboard, moudlings or Decking will seal and protect the substrate from the damaging effects of moisture, increase appearance and finish quality and save the end user significant time and associated build costs.

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Timber or fibre cement products up to 300mm wide x 40mm thick

Acrylic priming, top coating or penetrating timber oils

Bevelback, Shiplap, Rusticated, grooved or custom profiles

Bandsawn, smooth or brushed face

Specified coatings, or we can recommend options

Single or multiple coats

Custom solutions tailored to provide maximum value to your product and volumes

Sheet / Panel Products

Coating sheet products enhances durability and aesthetic appeal.

Make fit out and finishing fast and simple by offering a precoated version of your interior or exterior wall and ceiling panel product.

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Plywood, fibre cement, MDF, OSB or engineered timber panels up to 1250mm wide x 80mm thick

Acrylic priming, top coating or UV Cure coatings

Flat, grooved or custom profiles

Rough sawn or smooth surfaces

Specified coatings, or we can recommend options

Single or multiple coats

Custom solutions tailored to provide maximum value to your product and volumes

Ready to take your construction product operations to the next level?

Contact Effective Coating Solutions and discover how our innovative coating solutions can benefit your business.

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